GuruPlug heat issues

My GuruPlug has arrived! Yay! Soon I'll be replacing my NSLU2 with it, but some clouds are shadowing the horizon. I didn't have the time to set it up. Debian 5.03 (lenny) is pre-installed, but only on the device's flash, whose 512MB will probably not suffice to all I want it to do.

Leporello:~$ ssh root@ root@'s password: Linux sheevaplug-debian 2.6.32-00007-g56678ec #1 PREEMPT Mon Feb 8 03:49:55 PST 2010 armv5tel

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Last login: Fri Jan 1 09:19:04 2010 from sheevaplug-debian:~# uname -a Linux sheevaplug-debian 2.6.32-00007-g56678ec #1 PREEMPT Mon Feb 8 03:49:55 PST 2010 armv5tel GNU/Linux sheevaplug-debian:~# cat /etc/debian_version 5.0.3

Sad thing is, I don't have the time to make all the decisions I need, like "do I need to update U-BOOT?" or "Better to install from scratch or take the already working Debian installation on my Slug?", like Martin Michlmayr suggests?

On top of that, many users are reporting heat issues, with their GuruPlug Plus even stopping to work with gigabit ethernet plugged in (the photos are very impressive).

New IT is suggesting that people stick to 100MB ethernet (wish would mean that I'm on the clear side with my non-Gb GuruPlug Standard), but it is not a safe solution.

Problems in the components and the montage seem to be the cause as the pictures here document. Anyway, my first test will simply be to turn it on for a couple of days. If it's safe, I'll proceed... otherwise have to choose between sending it back to NewIT, selling it, or hacking it.